Thursday, November 8, 2012

Weather Turned to Fall

Well, yes, I know it IS fall - but the weather hadn't truly caught up until today. I went for a drive from my house to my Mom's house. And while part of the drive was nice, a bit blustery but nice, the other part was definitely Fall like. I had rain coming through the lake and mountain area. Now at mom's, the clouds have wandered off and there will be, I suspect, frost come morning. I put out her garbage cans for pickup tomorrow morning, and I could see my breath in the late afternoon air.

The reason I ventured to Mom's is because she took a fall Oct. 27th. While nothing is broken, she is stiff, sore and still bruised almost two weeks later. Since our family is so close, I felt it would be a good idea to come over and see how she is. I hadn't planned on venturing over this early in the month. I was looking at Thanksgiving weekend. However, a daughter does what a daughter feels she has to do. No one pushed me, no one twisted my arm. So here I sit working on my blog while she naps.

I will be working on some of my quilting stuff. I brought enough to work on so that I have things to do. I could work on my counted cross stitch Siberian Tiger if I wanted to. I could work on my computer and get the program finished up for my installation as Worthy Matron a week from Sunday. I could read a book. I suppose I could take a nap. Nope, got too much to do.

Hopefully Mom will feel much better by Thanksgiving as she is scheduled to have company. Hard on the company when the hostess is napping instead of visiting. So here's thinking good thoughts and healing thoughts.

Later folks, enough for now.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another Season

Okay, most people say there are 4 seasons in the year - winter, spring, fall & summer. Well for those of us in Eastern Star, there is a 5th season. It's called Installation Season and it starts with a roar on Nov. 1st. Most are held on weekends, some are on the Chapter's regular meeting night. Just depends on the Chapter's by-laws.

As a Past Matron of my chapter, I have been invited on more than occasion to participate in someone else's installation. So for me, the season starts today. While I could have done a couple earlier, I have other things I like to do. One Saturday this month, I have 3 to attend. This year it actually goes into the first weekend of December.

So my calendar is busy, my husband is lonely. I tend to forget to write to people. I frequently forget what day of the week it is. My laundry gets behind. Meals are often the same from installation to installation. By the end of the month, I'm more than ready for that long winter's nap mentioned in a story book rhyme.

And so begins a month of fun & sometime confusion. I enjoy it to the max and am super glad when it's over. This year, I will be installed again as a Worthy Matron of my chapter. Rumors flying indicate that the world as we know it will end in December 2012  - or is it the calendar that we know that will end? I guess we'll all find out when New Year's 2013 gets here.

Stay safe on your trails and enjoy the ride!